Page:The looking-glass.djvu/101

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want of farmers and mechanics.

But, thanks be to the Lord, these evils exist not in this country.

We want no drunkards in our land, nor fiddlers, nor dancers, nor gamblers, nor idlers of any kind. But we want good men and good women; upright, honest, sober, industrious, moral and religious persons, economical in their habits and setting good examples to those who come after. These are the kind of people that we want for laying the foundation of a great nation, like unto that which is now about to be laid in Western Africa. By the blessing of the Lord, and the aid of our good friends in the United States of America, we bid fair to become one of the greatest nations upon the earth.

I say that we want farmers, which are the bone and sinew of a country, and mark out the only path which leads to prosperity, wealth and plenty. The earth is pregnant with all kinds of mineral and vegetable productions. All we need is the ways and means, and proper instruction, to enable us to come at them. We are looking to our good friends in America to aid and assist us in all those important enterprises. If they aid us, we shall do well.
