Page:The looking-glass.djvu/111

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english freedom.

3d. All hands on board. Mr. Forsyth and lady came on board at 12 o'clock. On the evening of Thursday, Mr. Forsyth spent the time very agreeably with some of his friends over champaigne. They then bade adieu and parted. The pilot came on board at half past three on Friday morning. His name is Pompey Gay. He makes about £260 a year, and out of that he receives £60 for his own use. He is a colored man. The colored people do all the out-of-door work here, but the sixty pounds for himself! Such is the boast of English freedom. Give me the Government of the United States forever, in preference to such liberty. Take away slavery, and nothing like the U.S. Government was ever known. I have learned that by travelling abroad, and making use of my eyes and ears.

The author conceives that, at this rate, those who are called free in England give to their employers a much larger portion of the proceeds of their toil, than the American planter receives from those colored men in his service who are called slaves. And the gains of this colored pilot are in about the same ratio as those of other "free" colored men who are subjects of the Crown.

Feb. 4th. At sea. All well. We left the Capes on the forenoon of 3d inst. In a short time, we