Page:The looking-glass.djvu/126

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the looking-glass.

the Scriptures of Truth, which say that the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached unto all the world for a witness, and then shall the end come. Oh! that this great republic may be the agent in fully accomplishing this great and glorious work, so that an everlasting blessing of peace and happiness may rest upon this land and nation!

There is no newspaper published in any of the places which I visited on the coast of Africa. I think that if such men as Mr. Frederick Douglass would give their time, attention, and talent to Liberia, they would do more good in one year, than they can in a whole life-time in the United States. They would make five times as much money, and impart instruction and civilization to our heathen brethren. There we may do a great deal of good without opposition or confusion; for many things which we are endeavoring to do in the United States, are like pouring water upon a goose's back; it has but little or no effect. Therefore such labors are of no value at all. We hope that all persons who wish the colored man well, will give their aid and attention to this noble work, so that light and the Gospel may soon spread over that dark and benighted land of our forefathers in Africa.

I must confess, that at one time I was blinded,