Page:The looking-glass.djvu/132

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the looking-glass.

dwell, with the blessing of the Lord. The Rev. Mr. Williams took all his family with him, young and old, including his respectable and venerable mother, nearly ninety years of age, and was accompanied by more than thirty of the most respectable colored persons in the State of Pennsylvania. They embarked in the good bark Isla de Cuba, at the same time as the Author of this work, and arrived there safe, and in good health. The Author visited them previous to his departure, and found them very comfortable and pleasantly situated, and well pleased with the country—the old lady sitting on the porch apparently as happy as the Queen of Shebah. They testified to their preference for that young and flourishing Republic of the Single Star and eleven stripes. May the Lord prosper it forever!

The Hon. J.J. Roberts, at present President of the Republic of Liberia, Africa, stands higher, in a national point of view, than any colored person in the United States, or in any other portion of the known civilized world.