Page:The looking-glass.djvu/139

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concluding remarks.

both white and colored, have advised him to go to Liberia in Africa, and see if the prospects are not better in that young Republic, where his brethren can become full citizens at once, and freeholders, and enjoy all the comforts and privileges of the country both in Church and State,—where all may become a happy and religious people, and, if faithful among themselves, may eventually be the instruments in the hands of the Lord to restore that dark and great quarter of the Earth to civilization, together with the light of the Gospel and its pure teachings, that will bring an everlasting blessing upon all who are now, and have been, instrumental in carrying out this great and noble work. He is now ready to comply with the advice of his friends and brethren, as soon as practicable. We, therefore, cheerfully recommend him, and sincerely hope he will meet with favor and aid from all, more especially the Christian community at large."

"To all whom this may concern:

We, colored citizens of Rome, State of New-York, do hereby certify, that the Rev. D.H. Peterson has, for the last three years, been employed in erecting a Church at Rome, which he has fully