Page:The looking-glass.djvu/14

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the looking-glass

cause. Therefore it is in obedience to the dictates of wisdom, that children and youth obey and honor their parents. If they do this, they will be blessed for ever. I realized this blessing from that time forth: and my dear aged mother died a free woman in the year 1844.

I fulfilled my obligations faithfully in all things, and was treated as one of the family. Among those with whom I lived, was a young lady, Miss S. T., highly accomplished and benevolent, with fine Christian feelings, and very kind to the poor. Through the blessing of the Lord, she took the oversight of me, and from that source I received instruction and other great benefits. I parted from this family at length, not without regret and sorrow on both sides, for I esteemed them for their kind treatment of me, while they respected me for my obedience and the faithful service which I had rendered them. But I desired to acquire attainments by which I might become useful to my fellow-men. I remembered the impressions that had been made upon me, when a child, at the prayer meetings that had been held in the house of my parents. Those religious impressions were the first that I had experienced, and they never left me. They preserved me from vice, and influenced my conduct in all times and places. They