Page:The looking-glass.djvu/53

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sufferings of the israelites.

of the Lord, and the peace of all mankind. Remember, that the people of God suffered four hundred years in Egypt, and in the fulness of time the Lord sent them Moses as a deliverer: but that work was not accomplished in one day. It required a long time and much labor to accomplish it. The sufferings of the Israelites in Egypt, were much greater than ours in this country. Their children were put to death by oppression, and they lost the covenant of their forefathers which they made with the Lord. But Moses was an instrument in the hands of the Lord, in leading the people out of bondage. Those people were among the heathens, but we are in the midst of Christians: their taskmasters made no provision for improving the condition of the sufferers, but there is good provision made for us by the true friends of the colored race, comprising many comforts and conveniences. You are now invited to come and embrace the offer, lest the time may arrive when this great door shall be shut, so that you cannot enter in and enjoy the blessings which are now held out for your acceptance. Therefore, come, now or never.

There is another advantage which you have over the Hebrews. The rulers of Egypt did not aid them in their religious worship by providing churches or
