Page:The looking-glass.djvu/55

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our sense of duties.

carried every way but the right way. They have suffered shipwreck by reason of sin and self-interest on the part of their spiritual rulers. Ministers of my colored brethren, it is needful that all of you should wake up: otherwise, your captains and shepherds, crews, cargoes, and passengers, will all be swallowed up in the great maelstrom of perdition.

Therefore we call your serious attention to a great work. Thou that sleepest, awake, for the night is far spent, and the day is at hand. Watch and be sober, as we have never yet been free men and women in this country. Now the time has come when we all have an opportunity to embrace our freedom, both moral and religious, military and civil—houses and lands all free! What more can we ask, or what more can be done for us at this time? It is now high time for us to go to work in the right way and help ourselves, and then we shall find help in the time of need. Now let us make this contract—if you awake first, please wake me to a sense of my duties, and I will arise and go to work; but if I awake first, I will wake you up, and you must go to work for yourself, and for your Church and people—in fact, for all the human family. This is the duty of all ministers of the Gospel. Brethren, what have we been doing, and where arc the fruits of our labor?