Page:The looking-glass.djvu/73

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want of facilities.

worshipped other gods, and wasted their substance upon idols. Therefore they were left to follow the desire of their own wicked hearts; and finally, they were suffered to be carried away captive, like the rebellious Israelites, barefoot, naked, and in fetters. They were borne to a strange land, and left among a people whom they knew not. But what is the result? Solomon says, "There is a time to all things." In the fulness of time, the Lord will bring everything to bear in its right place. It is of no use for man to hurry and push things of this weighty nature. We can do nothing without help from the Lord.

The reason that our brethren who have had the advantages of the high schools do not arrive at eminence, has already been given. Although they may have received all the knowledge required for preferment, they have no facilities for bringing their accomplishments into exercise in real life. They go forth looking for employment; they wander through many places seeking for business and finding none. They knock at many doors for admittance—the porter looks out, sees the complexion of the applicant, and bids him go farther and fare worse. He wanders away dejected and forlorn, and perhaps plunges into vice, and, lamenting the time which he has squandered in procuring an education which seems to be