Page:The looking-glass.djvu/75

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brilliant prospects in liberia.

with the sole exception of Liberia, in Africa. There the laws are liberal, and all men fare alike under the flag of that young republic, and encouraged by that great nation, the United States of America. This greatest republic in the known world is bound to protect and raise up that young nation to a level with herself, if we, as a people, will take counsel and seek the right way. By obedience to the truth, we shall then eat the good of the land. In that country is a field large enough for the employment of all your talents in every way and shape, either moral, religious, civil or military. There no doors will be shut against you, but all is as free as the air of heaven.

Therefore, go forth without delay, and claim your rights as freemen and freewomen, and you will have great cause to rejoice. But nothing like vice should be carried into that country. Violins and other trifling kinds of music should be left behind,—they only gender idleness and folly: but let us keep the fear of the Lord before us, and in a few years we shall be a great nation, respected by the rest of mankind. The fruits and productions of Africa will be carried throughout the world; her ships will visit all nations, and her flag will wave in every sea.