Page:The looking-glass.djvu/84

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the looking-glass.

a barque. I thank the Lord that we have had singing, and praying, and grace before meat, all the passage, the same as we have on shore.

19th. A ship passed us in the morning early, probably bound to New-York. We passed a large school of porpoises and flying-fish. It has been blowing a gale all day. The steward is better.

20th. Sabbath. A beautiful day. Prayer morning and evening. I preached in the afternoon from Jonah, chap, ii., verse 11. We were then about one thousand miles from New-York. We saw a ship bound to America. I have seen on board what I have prayed for, the worship of the blessed Lord at sea as well as on dry land.

21st. A fine morning. A perfect calm, and the sea as smooth as the river Delaware. All well.

22nd. A fine day. Very pleasant; neither too warm nor too cold. Light breezes, favorable. The blessings and glory of the Lord seemed to be with the ship, officers, crew, and passengers. Behold the rising sun, the clear sky, the flying clouds over our heads, and we riding on the bosom of the great ocean. There behold the wisdom and the wonderful works of Almighty God. Passengers young and old came on deck to get the fresh air, and to dry their clothing and bedding, all in high spirits. With