Page:The looking-glass.djvu/88

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the looking-glass.

wind fair. Thank the Lord, we are all very well at this time, and going forward at a good rate. We have been much favored on this voyage. We saw the new moon at sea, this evening, for the first time. It appeared to be about three nights old, and it showed three moons distinctly, as though you looked through a silk handkerchief. We rejoiced to see it.

3d. Fine weather and fair wind. We saw a ship in the forenoon. I thank the Lord, we are all well at this time.

4th. Sabbath. Fine weather and a fair wind. I preached on board at 2 o'clock P, M., on the afterdeck, the captain, crew, and all the officers present. I spoke from Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews, chap, xi., v. 24. "By faith, Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter." We had a good time; all was peace and unity, and everything was done in order like a family singing and praising the Lord all through the Sabbath.

5th. Fair wind, but light. Fine summer weather. Thank the Lord we are all well and peaceable.

6th. Fine weather, all well. Very light wind and slow sailing. It was reported that the land was seen this afternoon, the Cape de Verd Islands.

7th. We are 29 days out. Fine weather and fair