Page:The looking-glass.djvu/90

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the looking-glass.

a prayer-meeting in the evening, singing altogether on deck. It was a good time.

l2th. At four in the morning, we were visited by a violent storm, and the ship was in great danger. Both captain and mate were on the look-out. The ship was under full sail when the gale came suddenly upon her. All hands were called, steward, cooks, and all, and it was as much as they could do to stow the light sails and get the top-sails under reef before the worst came. Some of the sails were torn from the yards and carried away, the captain, mate, and crew doing all they could to save the ship. Knowing that the Lord possesses all power, and that we are in his hand, we made it a matter of prayer, and implored the Divine Throne of Grace that He would save us from the stormy winds and raging seas, and from all other dangers, and save us forever both in time and in eternity. This storm was attended with thunder and lightning, and many of the passengers were much alarmed. I thank the Lord I was perfectly calm and without fear. The Lord is all in all. The storm continued till noon. The wind changed, and we had it fair all the afternoon. A little bird came on board and alighted on the ringing. They caught it. Thank the Lord we are all here, and are doing well.