Page:The mammals of Australia Gould vol 3.djvu/173

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Chocolate Bat.

Scotophilus morio. Gray in Grey's Journ. of Discoveries in Australia, App. vol. ii. p. 405.—lb. List of Mamm, in Coll. Brit. Mus., p. 29,

This species is about the size of Scotophilus Gouldi, but differs in having larger ears, and in the colouring of the entire body being of a uniform chocolate-brown. It is very common in New South Wales, between Moreton Bay and Sydney, and Mr. Gilbert states that it also inhabits Western Australia. I have not, however, his specimens to compare with those from New South Wales; its inhabiting the western coast must therefore rest upon his authority; if his assertion be correct, its range will probably be found to extend over the whole of the southern portion of the country. The animal Mr. Gilbert describes is called by the natives Bam-be, and in his notes he says that "it is rather uncommon, but may be readily recognized by its habit of flying at a great elevation, and generally around the branches of the loftiest Eucalypti."

The whole of the fur of both the upper and under surface of a uniform chocolate-brown, becoming somewhat darker or nearly black on the cheeks; wing-membranes purplish-brown.

The figures are of the natural size.