Page:The mammals of Australia Gould vol 3.djvu/197

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Great-footed Bat.

Mr. Tomes having carefully examined my collection of Bats, and come to the conclusion that this animal has not been described, I have, in accordance with his views, characterized it as distinct. It is a native of South Australia, in every respect a true Vespertilio, and remarkable for having rather lengthened and elegantly-formed ears, a delicately-constructed body, large wings, and very large hind feet, whence its specific name; besides these peculiarities it is also distinguished from every other Australian Bat by the hoary colouring of its fur, particularly on the lower part of the abdomen, where it is nearly white; it appears, however, subject to some variation in this respect, as in one of my specimens the hoary tint gives place to a pale reddish hue; but I believe hoary to be the prevailing colour.

General tint of the fur greyish-brown, becoming hoary on the posterior parts of the body, especially on the lower part of the abdomen, whence it gradually becomes paler, and fades into buffy-white on the vent; wing-membranes light brown.

The figures are of the size of life.