Page:The mammals of Australia Gould vol 3.djvu/201

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Tasmanian Bat.

Noctulina Tasmanensis, Gray, List of Mamm. in Coll. Brit. Mus., p. 1.94.

It would appear that this species enjoys an unusually wide range of habitat; for not only does it inhabit Tasmania, but, according to Mr. Tomes, it is also found in the Philippines, and even on the continent of India. Had I not known that Mr. Tomes had closely investigated the Vespertilionidæ, and that from his intimate knowledge of the subject he is considered an authority in such matters, I should have hesitated to make this statement.

On submitting my drawings to Mr. Tomes, he suggested that the ears should be a little more indented on the lower side, after the manner of the Notch-eared Bat of Europe; but the Plate having been printed, this could not be attended to.

The specimen from which my figure was taken is in the British Museum.

The fur of this species is of a light brown hue, with a slight tinge of olive, and is lighter on the under than on the upper surface; the wing-membranes and the interior of the ear are of the usual purplish-brown line; the nose and lips reddish flesh colour.

The figure is of the natural size.