Page:The reign of George VI - 1763.djvu/132

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the army, with drums, standards, and colours without number.

But the prodigious consequences of this victory best proved its decisiveness. The road was open to Paris; George, at the head of his victorious army took it; his detatchments over-run the whole province of Orleanois, even to Nevers: himself made a triumphant entry into Paris, and Philip the new French King hardly reigned in his capital, before he was obliged to fly from it. All Picardé was immediately conquered; the English themselves were amazed at the rapidity of their own success. Montar, Sens, Troyes, and Auxerre, opened their gates to the Conqueror. The strongest fortresses held out but a few days; so universal was the terror which spread over all France. They had no prospect of relief, King Charles, whojust