Page:The reign of George VI - 1763.djvu/139

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hire them. The Swiss cantons was also in friendship with Great-Britain[1].

Such was the state of Europe, when the battle of Alençon struck a terror into most of its Sovereigns. The Count de Leon had sometime before entered into a negotiation with the Czar, to form an alliance against George, This battle hastened their proceedings, and a treaty was soon agreed on between them, for the protection of Philip, and signed at Madrid. Peter engaged to join the Spanish fleet with sixty sail of the line, and send ten thousand foot and five thousand horse to assist Philip. Spain was to march an army of sixty thousand men into France, to act against the English. In return, Philip engaged as soon as George was drove out of his dominions, to assist Charles with all his

  1. Stephenson, vol. 1. p. 63.
