Page:The reign of George VI - 1763.djvu/196

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nister, hinted to him one day in conversation, the foundation of a university. The King considered of the scheme, and liking a plan that would adorn the city with so many noble buildings as the colleges; determined at last to put it in execution. The academy of architecture furnished plans, and the King gave each member a noble opportunity of rivalling each other. The author of each plan that was approved, was permitted by the King to be the architect. Nothing could excel the magnificent establishments which were made in favour of this new university: the professors, masters, &c. were all appointed with the utmost consideration; none but men of unblemished morals, and great learning, were advanced to any posts in it. Scholars, not only from all parts of the King's dominions, but from all Europe, flocked to be admitted in the university of Stanley, which had many advantages, thatcould