Page:The reign of George VI - 1763.djvu/204

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for want of proper care: however, those raised by the King, proved to be, and now continue, most excellent establishments. Before the year 1925, his Majesty had built, and either wholely, or in part, endowed thirty-five hospitals.

Nothing was omitted by George, that added to the strength and security of his kingdom; which he considered equally with its ornament: vast works were raised at all the sea-port towns in Great-Britain and Ireland, to defend the coast from all insult. Docks for building ships were made at every place where there was a sufficient depth of water: new men of war were continually building in them; and old ones repairing; so that he was at all times prepared to wage war on any sudden emergency: vast arsenals and magazines were erected at all the most distinguished harbours; Plymouth, Milford, Chatham, Hull,Edinburgh,