Page:The shoemaker's apron (1920).djvu/24

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herself. “Soon the boys will come courting and once they see how pretty Marushka is, they’ll pay no attention at all to my Holena. We had just better do all we can to get rid of that Marushka as soon as possible.”

So they both nagged Marushka all day long. They made her work harder, they beat her, they didn’t give her enough to eat, they did everything they could think of to make her ugly and nasty. But all to no avail. Marushka was so good and sweet that, in spite of all their harsh treatment, she kept on growing prettier.

One day in the middle of January Holena took the notion that nothing would do but she must have a bunch of fragrant violets to put in her bodice.

“Marushka!” she ordered sharply. “I want some violets. Go out to the forest and get me some.”

“Good heavens, my dear sister!” cried poor Marushka. “What can you be thinking of? Whoever heard of violets growing under the snow in January?”

“What, you lazy little slattern!” Holena shouted. “You dare to argue with me! You go this minute and if you come back without violets I’ll kill you!”

The stepmother sided with Holena and, taking