Page:The shoemaker's apron (1920).djvu/264

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They discussed the matter among themselves and decided that the devil would have to get back the bag of gold or the story would leak out and thereafter the people on earth would have no more respect for devils.

“Go back to the farmer,” they said, “and dare him to a wrestling match. Tell him that whoever wins the match is to keep the gold.”

So the young devil went back to earth and dared the farmer to a wrestling match. The farmer, who saw how things were, said:

“My dear young friend, if I were to wrestle with you I’m afraid I’d hurt you for I’m awfully strong. I tell you what I’ll do: I’ll let you wrestle with my old grandfather. He’s ninety-nine years old but even so he’s more nearly in your class.”

The devil agreed to this and the farmer—oh, but that farmer was a sly one!—led him out into the forest to a cave where a big brown bear lay asleep.

“There’s my grandfather,” the farmer said. “Go wake him up and make him wrestle.”

The devil shook the bear and said:

“Wake up, old man! Wake up! We’re going to wrestle!”

The bear opened his little eyes, stood up on his