Page:The shoemaker's apron (1920).djvu/287

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Peter saw this and made his visit short. He handed out to the prince as much money as he needed and then, after agreeing to return in eight days for the wedding, he hurried off.

He went to the place where he had met the Devil the first time and called him by name with all his might.

The Devil instantly appeared.

“What do you want, little brother-in-law?”

“I want to look like myself again,” Peter said. “What good will it do me to marry a sweet little princess and then have the poor girl faint away every time she looks at me!”

“Very well, brother-in-law. If that is how you feel about it, come along with me and I’ll soon make you into a handsome young man.”

Peter leaped on the Devil’s back and off they flew over mountains and forests and distant countries.

They alighted in a deep forest beside a bubbling spring.

“Now, little brother-in-law,” the Devil said, “wash in this water and see how handsome you’ll soon be.”

Peter threw off his clothes and jumped into the water and when he came out his skin was as beautiful and fresh as a girl’s. He looked at his own reflec-