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The Household Library

Howells. Silas Lapham.

Hugo. Les Miserables.

—— Notre Dame.

Irving. Sketch Book.

Jacobs. Many Cargoes, etc.

James. Daisy Miller.

Jerome. Three Men in a Boat.

Jokai. Black Diamonds.

Kingsley. Hypatia.

—— Westward Ho!

Kipling. Jungle Books.

—— Plain Tales from the Hills.

La Fayette. The Princess of Cleves.

Le Sage. Gil Blas.

Lever. Harry Lorrequer.

Lover. Handy Andy.

MacDonald. Alec Forbes.

Malory. Morte d'Arthur.

Manzoni. The Betrothed.

Marryat. Midshipman Easy.

—— Peter Simple.

Meredith. Evan Harrington.

—— Shaving of Shagpat.

Morier. Hajji Baba.

Mulock. John Halifax.

Murray. Aunt Rachel.

Ohnet. The Ironmaster.

Oliphant. Margaret Maitland.

Poe. Grotesque Tales.

—— Arthur Gordon Pym.

—— The Gold Bug.

Reade. Cloister and the Hearth.

—— Foul Play.

—— Hard Cash.

—— It is Never too Late to Mend.

Richardson. Clarissa Harlowe.

Richter. Flower, Fruit, and Thorn pieces.

Russell. The Wreck of the 'Grosvenor'.

Sand. Consuelo.

—— Francis the Waif.

—— Mauprat.

Scott (M.). Tom Cringle's Log.

—— (Walter). All the Waverley Novels.

Shorthouse. John Inglesant.

Sidney. Arcadia.

Smollett. Humphry Clinker.

Sterne. Tristram Shandy.

Stevenson. Kidnapped.

—— Catriona.

—— Master of Ballantrae.

—— New Arabian Nights.

—— Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Sue. Wandering Jew.

Thackeray. Henry Esmond.

—— Newcomes.

—— Pendennis.

—— Vanity Fair.

Tolstoi. Anna Karenina.

—— War and Peace.

Trollope. Barchester Series

Turgenev. Spring Floods.

Ward. Robert Elsmere.

Weyman. Gentleman of France.

—— Under the Red Robe.

Wilson. Noctes Ambrosianæ.

Zola. The Downfall.