Page:The small library. A guide to the collection and care of books (IA smalllibraryguid00browiala).pdf/70

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The School Library

tape uniformity and goody-goodyism, are the lists of books for school libraries and prizes prepared by the Education Committee of the London County Council. Here the selection is much more catholic and extensive, but here also the Henty-Ballantyne-A.L.O.E. influence is strongly marked.

It will be sufficient to make reference to the following work for a good deal of useful information concerning Sunday school libraries—institutions, by the way, which are no longer so much cultivated as in former days: Sunday School and Village Libraries, with a List of Suitable Books and Hints on Management, by Thomas Greenwood. London: Jas. Clarke & Co. 1902. This little work is the best textbook on the subject hitherto published, and its author is the chief authority on municipal libraries in Britain. It only requires revision in the book-selection department to bring it well up to date, and this can be done by comparing it with the lists published in more recent guides. The general administration and care of School Libraries differ but little from the method described for small municipal libraries, and there is no reason, therefore, for traversing ground already fully covered. Instead, this chapter will be fitly concluded with lists of the authors and books suggested as suitable and useful for Juvenile Reference and Lending Libraries, whether attached to schools or municipal libraries.