Page:The songs that Quinte sang.djvu/24

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My Ships That Went to Sea.

From tho haven of the sheltered bay
My ships sailed out in proud array;
’Twas the morn of a golden summer day
And the wind blew fair and free.
The air was clear, and the sky was bright,
And the blue waves laughed in the glad sunlight
And, Oh! But it was a goodly sight
As my ships sailed out to sea.

I was proud of my ships, a gallant fleet,
With their graceful hulls, so trim and neat,
Sturdy and staunch and all complete
From their spars to the smallest rope.
One was a ship of stately mien
Whose white sails shone with a silver sheen,
A goodlier ship was never seen,
And I called her “The Golden Hope.”

And laden was she with a cargo rare,
With beautiful dreams and fancies fair,
A post’s song and a true heart’s prayer,
And many a smile and tear.
Dreams of wealth, and dreams of fame,
Hopes of winning an honored name
And all the pride of a lofty aim,
And many a hope and fear.