Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/290

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Anne Bradstreet's Works.
His sumptuous buildings passes all conceit,
Which wealth and strong ambition made so great.
His Image Judahs Captives worship not,
Although the Furnace be seven times more hot.
His dreams wife Daniel doth expound full well.
And his unhappy chang with grief foretell.
Strange melancholy humours on him lay.
Which for seven years his reason took away,
Which from no natural causes did proceed.
But for his pride, so had the heavens decreed.[1]
The time expir'd, bruitish remains[2] no more,
But Goverment relumes as heretofore:
In splendor, and in Majesty he fits,
Contemplating those times he loft his witts.
[88] And if by words we may ghess at the heart,
This king among the righteous had a part:
Fourty four years he reign'd, which being run.
He lest his wealth and conquests to his fon.


BABEL'S great Monarch now laid in the dust,
His son possesses wealth and rule as just:
And in the first year of his Royalty
Easeth Jehojakims Captivity:

  1. For by the Heavens above it was decreed.
  2. remains a Beast,