Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/375

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The Four AIo?iarchies. 289

But as he took delight mugh bloud to fpill, [i59]

So the fame cup to his, did others fill.

Four of his Captains now do all divide,

As Daniel before had prophyfi'd.

The Leopard dovv^n, the four wings 'gan to rife,

The great horn broke, the lefs did tyranize."^

What troubles and contentions did enfue

We may hereafter fhew in feafon due.


/^~^REAT Alexander 6.Q.^di^ his Armyes left, ^^ Like to that Giant of his E3'e bereft; When of his monfhrous bulk it was the guide. His matchlefs force no creature could abide. But by Ulijfes having loft his fight, All men^ began ftreight to contemn his might; For aiming ftill amifs, his dreadful blows Did harm himfelf, but never reacht his Foes. Now Court and Camp all in confufion be, A King they'l have, but who, none can agree; Each Captain wiftit this prize to bear away, But none fo hardy found as fo durft fay: Great Alexander did leave ^ Iflue none. Except by Artabafus daughter one;

^ his. * Dan. vii. 6; viii. 8, 22. v Each man. ^ had left.


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