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" The Saints shall rejoice in glory ; they shall be joyful in their beds " (Ps. cxlix. 5).

We have also Christ's words : " Make unto you friends of the mammon of iniquity ; that when you shall fail, they may receive you into everlasting dwellings ; " that is to say, spend what you have over and above on works of charity and benevolence, that these may prove as friends to you, who will obtain for you admittance into the eternal and celestial dwellings (Luke xvi. 9).

Again : " In My Father’s house there are many mansions." Hence it may be inferred that each one of the redeemed has his separate abode in Heaven. For as a just and prudent father divides his real and personal property amongst his children, assigning to each one his particular share, so our heavenly Father apportions to each of His elect a part of His celestial treasures, both visible and invisible, giving to each one more or less, according to the amount he deserves to receive.

Who shall describe the majesty and glory of these heavenly mansions? If the kings and princes of this world build grand and costly palaces for themselves, what must be the splendour and beauty of the celestial city which the King of kings has built for Himself and those who love Him and are His friends ? Hear what St. John says concerning this city: "An Angel showed me the holy city