Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/197

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Book II.

Iron, and ſhall make triall of it, he presently ceaſeth to wonder, and doth no more ſcruple it to be the work of nature. But here it is convenient that you know, that as by naturall vertues we collect naturall vertues, ſo by abſtracted, mathematicall, and celeſtiall, we receive celeſtiall vertues, as motion, life, ſenſe, ſpeech, ſouthſaying, and divination, even in matter leſs diſposed, as that which is not made by nature, but only by art. And ſo images that ſpeak, and foretell things to come, are ſaid to be made, as William of Paris relates of a brazen head made under the riſing of Saturn, which they ſay ſpake with a mans voice. But he that will chooſe a diſpoſed matter, and moſt fit to receive, and a moſt powerfull agent, ſhall undoubtedly produce more powerfull effects. For it is a generall opinion of the Pythagoreans, that as Mathematicall things are more formall then Naturall, ſo alſo they are more efficacious: as they have leſs dependence in their being, ſo alſo in their operation. But amongſt all Mathematicall things, numbers, as they have more of form in them, ſo alſo are more efficacious, to which not only Heathen Philoſophers, but alſo Hebrew, and Chriſtian Divines do attribute vertue, and efficacy, as well to effect what is good, as what is bad.


Of Numbers, and of their power, and vertue.

SEverinus Boethius ſaith, that all things which were firſt made by the nature of things in its firſt Age, ſeem to be formed by the proportion of numbers, for this was the principall pattern in the mind of the Creator. Hence is borrowed the number of the Elements, hence the courſes of times, hence the motion of the Stars, and the revolution of the heaven, and the ſtate of all things ſubſiſt by the uniting together of numbers. Numbers therefore are endowed with great and
