Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/40

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But only taſt, their wits no longer keep,
Or forthwith fall into a deadly ſleep.
Who at
Clitorius fountain thirſt remove,
Loath Wine, and abſtinent, meer Water love.
With ſtreams oppos'd to theſe
Linceſtus flowes :
They reel, as drunk, who drink too much of thoſe.
A Lake in fair
Arcadia ſtands, of old
Pheneus; ſuſpected, as twofold :
Fear, and forbear to drink thereof by night :
By night unwholſome, wholſome by day-light.

Joſephus alſo makes relation of the wonderfull nature of a certain river betwixt Arcea, and Raphanea, Cities of Syria: which runs with a full Channell all the Sabboth Day, and then on a ſudden ceaſeth, as if the ſprings were ſtopped, and all the ſix dayes you may paſs over it dry-ſhod: but again, on the ſeaventh day (no man knowing the reaſon of it) the Waters return again in abundance, as before. Wherefore the inhabitants thereabout called it the Sabboth-day river, becauſe of the Seaventh day, which was holy to the Jews. The Goſpel alſo teſtifies to a ſheep-pool, into which whoſoever ſtepped firſt, after the Water was troubled by the Angel, was made whole of whatſoever diſeaſe he had. The ſame vertue, and efficacy we read was in a ſpring of the Ionian Nymphs, which was in the territories belonging to the Town of Elis, at a Village called Heraclea, neer the river Citheron: which whoſoever ſtepped into, being diſeaſed, came forth whole, and cured of all his diſeaſes. Pauſanias alſo reports, that in Lyceus, a mountain of Arcadia, there was a ſpring called Agria, to which, as often as the dryneſs of the Region threatned the deſtruction of fruits, Jupiters Prieſt of Lyceus went, and after the offering of Sacrifices, devoutly praying to the Waters of the Spring, holding a Bough of an Oke in his hand, put it down to the bottome of the hallowed Spring; Then the waters being troubled, a Vapour aſcending from thence into the Air was blown into Clouds, with which being joyned together, the whole Heaven was overſpread: which being a little after diſſolved
