Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/9

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your Maſter. Many tranſmarine Philoſophers, which we only read, you have converſed with: many Countries, rarities, and antiquities, which we have only heard of, and admire, you have ſeen. Nay you have not only heard of, but ſeen, not in Maps, but in Rome it ſelf the manners of Rome. There you have ſeen much Ceremony, and little Religion; and in the wilderneſs of New England, you have ſeen amongſt ſome, much Religion, and little Ceremony; and amongſt others, I mean the Natives thereof, neither Ceremony, nor Religion, but what nature dictates to them. In this there is no ſmall variety, and your obſervation not little. In your paſſage thither by Sea, you have ſeen the wonders of God in the Deep; and by Land, you have ſeen the aſtoniſhing works of God in the unacceſsible Mountains. You have left no ſtone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the diſcovery of what was Occult, and worthy to be known. It is part of my ambition to let the world know that I honor ſuch as your ſelf, & my learned friend, & your experienced fellow-traveller, Doctor Charlet, who have, like true Philoſo-
