Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/280

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Such was God's original love for man, that He was willing to stoop to any sacrifice to save him; and the gift of a Saviour was the mere expression of that love.

You have nothing to do but simply to receive the everlasting love of God in Christ His Son, which was without you, which began before you, which flows forth independent of you, which is unchecked by all our sins, which triumphs over all our transgressions, and which will make us—loveless, selfish, hardened, sinful men—soft and tender and full of Divine perfection, by the communication of its own self.

Chance and change are busy ever;
     Man decays, and ages move;
But His mercy waneth never;
     God is wisdom, God is love.


As the Creator and Preserver of men, Thou art gloriously manifest; but O! how much more gloriously art Thou revealed as reconciling ungrateful enemies to Thyself by the blood of Thy eternal Son. Here Thy beneficence displays its brightest splendor; here Thou dost fully display Thy most magnificent titles; The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness. How unsearchable are Thy ways, and Thy paths past finding out!

If I were to live to the world's end, and do all the good that man can do, I must still cry, "Mercy!" Why then should I be unwilling or afraid to die this moment, with a sense of God's pardoning love, when I can have no other claim to salvation if I were to live forever?