Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/463

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It was Lazarus faith, not his poverty, which brought him into Abraham's bosom.


It is not poverty so much as pretense that harasses a ruined man.

W. Irving.

As no one can adventure nearer the throne of God by virtue of his rank, his wealth, or his talent, so no one is kept farther from that throne by his low condition, or by his poverty of wealth, of learning, or of intellect. The prince and the sage are not more welcome to heaven than the poor and ignorant.

Aspirations pure and high—
     Strength to do and to endure—
Heir of all the Ages, I—
Lo! I am no longer poor!


It is not possible to found a lasting power upon injustice, perjury, and treachery.

What elements of power we wield! Truth unmixed with error, flashing as God's own lightning in its brightness, resistless if properly wielded, as that living flame! O what agencies! The Holy Ghost standing and pleading with us to so work that He may help us, the very earth coming to the help of the Lord Jesus Christ. And yet I am painfully impressed that we are not wielding the elements of Christian achievement nearly up to their maximum.