Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/495

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The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low, that every person of sense and character detests and despises it.

One cause of atheism is, a custom of scoffing in holy matters, which doth by little and little deface the reverence of religion.



The light of reason ever gleams on the margin of an unmeasured and unmeasurable ocean of mystery; and however far we push our discoveries, the line of light only moves on, and has infinite and unfathomable darkness beyond it.

Polished steel will not shine in the dark. No more can reason, however refined or cultivated, shine efficaciously but as it reflects the light of Divine truth shed from heaven.

What a return do we make for those blessings we have received! How disrespectfully do we treat the gospel of Christ to which we owe that clear light both of reason and of nature, which we now enjoy, when we endeavor to set up reason and nature in opposition to it! Ought the withered hand which Christ has restored and made whole to be lifted up against Him?

Water cannot rise higher than its source, neither can human reason.
