Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/51

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God gives us power to bear all the sorrows of His making; but He does not give us power to bear the sorrows of our own making, which the anticipation of sorrow most assuredly is.

Despatch necessities; life hath a load
Which must be carried on—and safely may;
Yet keep these cares without thee; let the heart
Be God's alone; and choose the better part.

He that taketh his own cares upon himself loads himself in vain with an uneasy burden. I will cast all my cares on God; He hath bidden me; they cannot burden Him.

He who climbs above the cares of this world, and turns his face to his God, has found the sunny side of life. The world's side of the hill is chill and freezing to a spiritual mind; but the Lord's presence gives a warmth of joy which turns winter into summer.

I met a brother who, describing a friend of his, said he was like a man who had dropped a bottle, and broken it, and put all the pieces in his bosom, where they were cutting him perpetually.

Why art thou troubled and anxious about many things? One thing is needful—to love Him and to sit attentively at His feet.


Care that is entered once into the breast,
Will have the whole possession ere it rest.