Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/532

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Rights are grand things, divine things, in this world of God; but the way in which we expound those rights, alas! seems to me to be the very incarnation of selfishness. I see nothing very noble in a man who is forever going about calling for his own rights. Alas! alas! for the man who feels nothing more grand in this wondrous, divine world than his own rights!

Away with private wrongs! We'll not go forth
To fight for these—but for the rights of men.

Mrs. Hale.

One of the grandest things in having rights is that, being your rights, you may give them up.



There are many persons who think Sunday is a sponge with which to wipe out the sins of the week.

There is a Sunday conscience as well as a Sunday coat; and those who make religion a secondary concern put the coat and conscience carefully by to put on only once a week.

Tell me how a professor spends his Sabbaths, and I will tell you in what state his soul is spiritually considered.

The law of the Sabbath is the key-stone of the arch of public morals; take it away, and the whole fabric falls.