Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/614

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Truth does not require your painting, brother; it is itself beauty. Unfold it, and men will be captivated. Take your brush to set off the rainbow, or give a new tinge of splendor to the setting sun, but keep it away from the "Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley."

Truth is as impossible to be soiled by any outward touch as the sunbeam.


Just as soon as any conviction of important truth becomes central and vital, there comes the desire to utter it—a desire which is immediate and irresistible. Sacrifice is gladness, service is joy, when such an idea becomes a commanding power.

God planted the true seed, and He is confident that it will germinate and grow until its branches shall fill the whole earth. He has confidence in His truth; have you? Can you not be content, like Him, to plant and nourish and water and tenderly prune and trust for the issue?

It is perilous to separate thinking rightly from acting rightly. He is already half false who speculates on truth and does not do it. Truth is given, not to be contemplated, but to be done. Life is an action—not a thought. And the penalty paid by him who speculates on truth, is that by degrees the very truth he holds becomes a falsehood.

In this life-long fight, to be waged by every one of us single-handed against a host of foes, the last requisite for a good fight, the last proof and test of our courage and manfulness, must be loyalty to truth—the most rare and difficult of all human qualities.