Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/661

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Gives freedom, 60 b, 89 a.
Governs the ages, 59 d.
Guide, 88 e, f, 89 a, b, f, 598 b.
High Priest.See Christ, Saviour.
Home, His gift, 325 c, 326 d, 327 a.
Human and Divine, 55 c, 56 a, 61 a, 60 d.
Humility, 60 c, 67 b.
Ideal of humanity, 54 b, c, 55 e, 57 a, b, 77 c, 42 b.
Incarnation of, 54 b, 55 a, 132 b, 393 h.
Intercession of, 473 b.
In the Sunday-school, 572 a, 571 a, b, 570 b, c.
Invades the lives of others, 108 c.
Invitation of, 62 c, 85 a.
Joy of, 78 c, 356 b, c.
King, 77 e, 78 a-79 c, 85 d, 437 b.
Kingdom of, 500 c.
Lamb of God, 86 a, b.
Last work of, 73 a.
Leader, 80 a-f.
Life and ministry, 54-68.
Light, the, 65 b, c, 90 a, b, 91 c.
Lord and God, my, 85 d.
Love of, 41 b, 58 e, f, 59 b, c, 65 a, 71 a, b, 82 c, 85 a, 92-94, 311 c.
Manifestation of God's love, 271 c-272 d.
Manliness of, 55 d, 59 b.
Meekness of, 407 c.
Mercy, sense of, 85 b.
Messiah, 76 b, 77 a.
Method of, 63 a.
Miracle of the ages, 57 a, 65 f, 78 a.
Miracles of, 64 d, 65 f-66 d.
Mission of, 559 g.
Nature, mystery of, 422 c, 423 e.
Necessary that He should go away, 68 d.
Obedience of, 68 b.
Omnipotence of, 65 e, f, 66 a-c.
Only, 66 e.
Parables of, 63 a, 65 d, e.
Patience of, 63 b, 444 b, 453 d.
Peace of, 445 d-446 e, f.
Perfections of, 54 a, 59 b, c, 60 c, 63 b, 67 b.
Pity of, 58 d, e, f, 97 b.
Praise of, 54 a.
Presence of, 96 c-97 e, 95 b, 110 b, 250 e, 475 f, 568 e, 584 e.
Presence in heaven, 302 e, 303 a-d, 308 b, c.
Power of God , 87 c.
Prayers of, 63 a, 66 d, 71 c.
Prophet, 91 a-e.See also Learning of Christ.
Physician, the great, 94 b, 154 b.
Refuge, l00 a-101 f.
Rejected of men , 60 c.See also Rejection of Christ.
Remembrance of, 70 b.
Resurrection of, 75 e, 76 a, 137 c.
Reveals God, 62 a-c, 65 e, 285 d, 431 d.
Reveals immortality, 91 d, e.
Rock of Ages, 100 d, e, 101 a-f.
Sacrifice, love's greatest effort, 77 b.
Sacrifice, sufficiency of, 82 a, 87 a.
Saviour, 67 a, 81-87, 88 a, b, g, 91 d, 92 a, 94 e, 95 b-f, 96 a, 97 d, 162 e, 210 e, 246 d, f, 359 b, c, 391 a, b, 416 e, 489 b, d, 490 a, 510 c, d, 529 b, 546 f, 580 d, 590 a.
Second coming of, 102 c-e.See also Millennium.
Self-dedication of, 59 c.