Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/96

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Beloved, you that have faith in the fountain, frequent it. Beware of two errors which are very natural and very disastrous; beware of thinking any sin too great for it; beware of thinking any sin too small.

Never be afraid to bring the transcendent mysteries of our faith, Christ's life and death and resurrection, to the help of the humblest and commonest of human wants.

Reader, if Christ is yours, and you are Christ's, is there any thing on which you may more confidently repose than that Jesus is making continual intercession for you, ever displaying the merits of His cross and precious blood, not only for the church at large, but for thee, even for sinful thee?

Christ by His intercession is able to save thee beyond the horizon and largest compass of thy thoughts, even to the utmost.

In danger Christ lashes us to Himself, as Alpine guides do when there is perilous ice to get over.

Guide Thou my hand within that hand of Thine—
Thy wounded hand!—until its tremblings take
Strength from Thy touch.

A man may go to heaven without health, without riches, without honors, without learning, without friends; but he can never go there without Christ.

John Dyer.