Page:Three crump twin brothers of Damascus (1).pdf/3

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third Babekan, and these three little hump back'd brothers never worked in their shop but they served for laughing stocks to all the boys and girls in the town.

One day, as the only son of a rich merchant, named Mourad, returned from walking with some of his play-fellows, finding himself more merry than us al, he leaned upon the bulk of the three crumps, and insulted them with so much keenness that Babekan, who was then at work upon a Knife-Blade, lost-all patience; he ran after those children, and singling out his principal enemy gave him a cut in he bully; but finding that he was pursued by the mob he ran into his shop and pulled to the door after him.

As Mourad was dangerously wounded, all the avenues of Behimrillah's house were immediately secured till the Cady, who as sent for, should be come. He repaired thither immediately with his Azzas,[1] and having broken down the doors, upon their refusal to open them, he entered into the shop, and demanded of those who had seen. witnesses of the action that was committed, which of the three crumps was the murderer? Nobody could affirm that it was one of them more than the other; they were so exactly alike that they were all at a loss. he Cady examined bad, he assured him that it was not he that had wounded the boy, and that he could not tell whither it was Syahouk or Babekan, yabouk averred the same thing. And Babekan, seeing himself out of danger, had the impudence to deny likewise that he had any hand in the crime.

The Cady was therefore much perplexed what

  1. The Azzas area fort of catchpoles that generally accompany the Cadies.