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and your bright ey s do me confound,
Let my persuasions be prevailing,
for you have giv'n a mortal w und,
By the hand he softly press'd her,
saying. My, darling, don’t be coy,
Must I, shall I, kiss you Polly,
then she answer'd ay, ay, ay.


Ask if yon damask rose be sweet,
that scents the ambient air,
Then ask e ch shepherd that you meet,
if d ar Susanna’s fair,

Say will the vulture quit his prey,
and warble th ough the grove!
Bid wanton linnets quit the spray,
then doubt thy shepherd's love.

The spoils of war let heroes share,
let pride and splendor shine;
Ye bards, u envy'd laurels wear,
be fair Susanna mine


CLAVERS and his Highlandmen,
came down upo' the raw, man,
Who being stout gave many a shout,
the lads began to claw then.

Wi' sword and targe into their hand,
wi' which they were not slaw, man,
Wi' many a fearful heavy sigh,
the lads began to claw then,