Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 2.djvu/570

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to the dispensary, to render that institution more widely serviceable to the poor of the town. The general and the medical libraries were always objects of his solicitude; of the latter he was one of the founders, and, of the founders, one of the most zealous. To his enthusiasm, combined with his perseverance, it is, I believe, in no small degree, to be attributed, that the inhabitants of Birmingham can now boast of a botanic garden, which promises to be among the finest in this kingdom: the interest he took in the general objects, and, even, in the minutest details of this undertaking, was of the strongest kind, and the last walk in which he indulged, was in those gardens, in company with a very zealous co-operator, his friend, Mr. Knott. Some years before his death, he was appointed one of the governors of the grammar-school, an office which extremely gratified him, and in which, as was usual with him, he earnestly strove to be useful; actively superintending the extensive alterations in the buildings, attending the meetings of the building committee, and feeling much anxiety concerning the adoption of such plans as might reflect honour on his native town, and diffuse instruction among the children of his fellow-townsmen. He gave some lectures, during one winter, at the rooms of the Philosophical Society; and, in short, endeavoured to contribute something to every useful establishment in the community of which he was a member. Except on a few occasions, he maintained, I think, some scruples concerning taking an active part in public meetings; but he, occasionally, attended the meetings of the Society for promoting Christian