Page:Travels in West Africa, Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons (IA travelsinwestafr00kingrich).pdf/775

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strongly spined above, but femora with no spines, but only clothed with fine hair; abdomen very broad, supra-anal plate triangularly emarginate at the extremity to nearly half its length; cerci very broad, pointed at the end, and a little shorter than the supra-anal lamina.

The unarmed femora place this genus in the Panchlorinæ, but in shape it resembles the females of some of the Blattinæ. The male is probably winged.

Trichomera insignata, sp. n.

Long. corp. 20-21 millim., lat. 13 millim.

Female.—Blackish, with testaceous markings; face nearly smooth, shining black below the vertex, the sides, mouth, and a band within the eyes and antennæ testaceous; vertex testaceous in front, with blackish streaks projecting into it from behind; head and thorax clothed with fine down; prothorax and sides of meso- and metathorax finely punctured, middle of teso- and metathorax and abdomen rather coarsely granulated; mesothorax testaceous, somewhat speckled with reddish brown, the centre filled up with a large blackish blotch, with two projecting angles on each side in front and behind, the two innermost of the hinder projections extending to the hinder margin of the prothorax, and the second of the front projections connected with a large oblong black patch bordering part of the sides of the prothorax; meso- and metathorax bordered on the sides with reddish brown and with several irregular testaceous markings; on the abdomen these are continued more regularly, forming a central and nearly parallel series, and two outer series, the first of which is nearly straight and the second connected with the testaceous border below the lateral angles of the segments; supra-anal plate black, with a broad testaceous band on each side; cerci black; antennæ reddish, shading into brown; pectus testaceous; abdomen brown beneath.

Two specimens obtained.

Family Mantidæ.

Subfamily Mantinæ.


A single immature specimen of this genus, remarkable for the very heavy black band on the front femora and tibiæ and for the black spines of the latter.