Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/487

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than he heard a nagareet beat, and knew it to be that of Kefla Yafous. This general encamped upon the river Avoley, lea- ving his tents and baggage under a proper guard, and had marched with the beft and frefheft of his troops to join Mi- chael before the engagement. All was joy at meeting, every rank of men joined in extolling the merit and conduct of their leaders ; and, indeed, it may be fairly faid, the fitua- tion of the king and the army was defperate at that inilant, when the troops were feparatcd on different fides of the Nile ; nor could they have been faved but by the fpeedy rcfolu- tion taken by Kefla Yafous to march without lofs of time- and pafs at the ford of Dclakus, and the diligence and afti- vity with which he executed that refolution.

Although a good part of Kefla Yafous's foldiers were- left at the Avoley, the Ras, as a mark of confidence, gave him the command of the rear. We were retreating before an enemy, and it was, therefore, the poft of honour, where the Ras would have been himfelf, had not Kefla Yafous join- ed us. We foon marched the five miles, or thereabout, that remained to the Avoley, and arrived juft as the fun was fet- ting, and there heard from the fpies that Welleta Yafous with his troops had retired again to Goutto, after having been joined by Woodage Afahel. There again were frefh re- joicings, as every one recovered their baggage and provi- sions, many rejoined their friends they had given over as lo'tt at the paiTage, and the whole army prepared their fup- per. All but Ras Michael feemed to have their thoughts bent upon fleep and reft ; whilft he, the moft infirm and a<*ed of the army, no fooner was under cover of his tent than he ordered the drum to beat for aflembling a coun- cil What palled there I did not know; I believe nothing
