Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/611

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on this fide of the mountain, falls into the Abola. We then left the valley of Abola on our right, and began to travel along the fides of the mountains on the weft. At three quarters after eight we paired a violent torrent called Kar- nachiuli, which falls from north-eaft into the Abola. At nine we again defcended into the valley, and, a few mi- nutes after, came to the banks of the Caccino, which flows from the north juft above, and joins the Abola. Here we halted for a little to reft our men, and to adjuft thoroughly the minutes of our journey, that the whole might appear in a diftinct manner in the map that I intended to make on my return to Gondar.

At half pail nine we again fet out, and, a few minutes after, palTed the river Abola, which gives its name to the valley into which we had defcended, and receives many lef- fer ftreams, and is of confiderable breadth. I could disco- ver no traces of fifh either in it or in any river fince we left the Aftar, from which circumftance I apprehend, that, in thefe torrents from the mountains, almoft dry in fummer, and which run with vaft rapidity in winter, the fpawn and fifh are both deftroyed in different feafons by different caufes.

After coafting fome little time along the fide of the val- ley, we began to afcend a mountain on the right, from which falls almoft perpendicularly a fmall, but very violent dream, one of the principal branches of the Abola, which empties itfelf into the Nile, together with the other branch, a ftill more confiderable ftream, coming from eaft fouth-eafl along the valley between Litchambara and Aformafha. At eleven o'clock cur courfe was fouth by eaft, and we pafTed

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