Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/620

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wifhes. I laid my hand then upon the piitols that fluck in my girdle, and drew them out to give them to one of my mite, when Woldo, who apprehended it was for another purpofe, ran fome paces back, and hid himfelf behind Ay- lo's fervant. We were all diverted at this fright, but none fo much as Strates, who thought himfelf revenged for the alarm he had given him by falling through the roof of the houfe at Goutto. After having taken off my fafh, " Here is your fafh, Woldo, faid I ; but mark what I have faid, and now moll ferioufly repeat to you, Truth and good behavi- our will get auy thing from me ; but if, in the courfe of this journey, you play one trick more, though ever fo trifling, I will bring iuch a vengeance upon your head that you fhall not be able to find a place to hide it in, when not the fafh only will be taken from you, but your fkin alfo will follow it : remember what happened to the feis at Bamba."

He took the fafh, but feemed terrified at the threat, and began to make apologies. " Come, come, faid I, we under- ftand each other ; no more words ; it is now late, lofe no more time, but carry me to Geefii, and the head of the Nile directly, without preamble, and fhew me the hill that fe- jnrates me from it. He then carried me round to the fouth fide of the church, out of the grove of trees that furrounded it, " This is the hill, fays he, looking archly, that, when you was on the other fide of it, was between you and the fountains of the Nile; there is no other; look at that hil- lock of green fod in the middle of that watery fpot, it is in that the two fountains of the Nile are to be found : Geefh is on the face of the rock where yon green trees are : if you go the length of the fountains pull off your fhoes as you did the other day, for thefe people are all Pagans, worfe

