Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/775

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t 749 ) TVT^lMi


5. At 2 in the afternoon It began to rain violently for 2

hours, - 1.042

6. Smart fhowers at different times in the evening and night, .490

7. It rained in the night, - - .580

8. Light rain in the night, - - .053 .

9. Flying fhowers through the day, but for 6 minutes.

Evening very violent, - - .186

10. Smart fhowers in the evening and night, - .342

1 1. & 12. Frequent fhowers, with a high wind, - 1.184 1 3. & 14. Light rain the firft day, but violent on the fecond, 1-423

1 5. Fair all day, but rained at night, - -475

16. Flying fhowers night and day, - • I 44

17. A very violent fhower of fliort duration, - «37* 38. & 19. Several fmall fhowers, - .609 20. &21. Frequent light fhowers, - - • 2 36 22. & 23. Conftant rain, - - I -50 2

24. Frequent fhowers in the evening, - «3°^

25. & 26. Conftant rain, - - l -7^3

27. Frequent fhower6, - - .289

28. Ditto, - - .280

29. It rained in the night, - .355

30. Ditto, , - - .302

31. Ditto, - - .211

Total rain in Auguft, 15-569


s. It rained in the night, - .079

2. Ditto, - - .107

3. Sc 4. Frequent fhowers night and day, - .358

5. & 6. Ditto, - - -5 68

7. It rained in the night only, - .213

8. No rain, - -

9. It rained violently for a few minutes at 8 in the Evening, *• *• .055

10. No rain* * - — —

1 1. It rained in the night only, <■ .227 tfc. It rained fraartly in the night, - .560"

J 3. No