Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 4.djvu/568

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ther Gojam, nor any place that is not fo limited, can ever- be taken for that illancL

I WILL not pretend to fay that any pofitive proof fliouldn be founded upon the aftronomical obfervations of the an- cients, unlefs there are circumftances that go hand in hand with, and corroborate them ; but we fhould be at a very great lofs indeed, notwithftanding all the diligence of mo- dern travellers, were we to throw the celeftial obfervations - of the ancients entirely behind us. We have, from various concurring circumftances, fixed our Meroe at Gerri, or be- tween that town and Wed Baal a Nagga, that is about lat, 16° 10' north ; and Ptolemy, from an obfervation of the Sol- ftice, fixes it at 16" 26', fo that the error here, if any, feems to be of no confequence, as the direction of the city might extend to the northward. The obfervations mentioned by Pliny are not fo accurate, nor do they merit to be put in competition with thofe of Ptolemy, for very obvious reafons; yet ilill, when flridly examined, they do not fail, inaccurate as they are, to throw fome light upon this fubjed. He fays the fun is vertical at Meroe twice a-year, once when he enters the 18° of Taurus, and again when he is in the 14th . degree of the Lion.^

Here are three impofTibilities, which plainly fliew that ihis error is not that of Pliny, but of an ignorant tranfcri- ber ; for if the zenith of Meroe anfwered to the 1 8th degree ■ of Taurus, it is impoffible that the fame point fhould an- fwer to the i4rh degree of the Lion ; and if Syene was 5000 fl:adia from the one, it is impoflible it could be no more from the other which was fouth of it, if they were all
