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Nations Unies-Recueil des Traités

the Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union, in the Belgian Congo or in the territories under Belgian mandate, the Belgian monetary authorities shall provide the Netherlands monetary authorities with Belgian francs at the official rate against payment in Netherlands florins. For any payment which the Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union, the Colony of the Belgian Congo or the territories under Belgian mandate may have to make in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Indies or any other part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Netherlands monetary authorities shall provide the Belgian monetary authorities with Netherlands florins at the official rate against payment in Belgian francs. Article 4 The Netherlands monetary authorities shall provide the Belgian monetary authorities against payment in Netherlands florins with the florins of the Netherlands Indies or of any other part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands requisite to make any payment in the Netherlands Indies or in any other part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Belgian monetary authorities shall provide the Netherlands monetary authorities against payment in Belgian francs with the Congo francs requisite to make any payment in the Belgian Congo or in the territories under Belgian mandate. The Governments and the monetary authorities of. the Netherlands and of Belgium shall consult each other periodically in order to settle by mutual agreement the measures necessary to maintain the flexibility of the mechanism of payments and to prevent any operations incompatible with the monetary and economic policy of the Netherlands and Belgium. Article 5 All Belgian francs held by the Netherlands, and all Netherlands florins held by Belgium, may be freely utilized for the operations referred 'to by the present Convention. Article 6 The Netherlands and Belgium shall respectively keep account of the opera-, tions carried out under the terms of Article 3 of the present Convention. The Netherlands shall keep this account in Netherlands florins; Belgium, in

Belgian francs. The balances of these accounts shall be cleared at the official rate, in round sums, on the last day of the month. The Netherlands and Belgium shall. both,. however, have the right to clear in the course of the month. No 21